WHo the hell am i?

Telling stories and seeing the reaction on my parents faces is probably the earliest memory I have of me being creative. I’ve always loved to weave intrigue and drama into my world building and my friends can attest to that, I’m always creative and ready for new challenges.

I've always been a creative person as far as I can remember. This is what has given me a stable life. Now that I can pursue my passion I am going at it with eager fervor.

I am an aspiring creative soul that loves to write and draw, but initially I started out in the entertainment business. I worked with visual effects in movies and commercials for several years, then moved on to work in the game industry as a graphic designer, UI artist and writer.

I’ve only recently taken my first steps into the comic book industry and can’t wait to delve deeper as the time goes on.




During the last few years I started to envision two parallel universes that satiated my passion for science fiction and horror. One had a debute in the form of a graphic novel in the Grimland universe called Grimland: Ascension.

The Foretold was seeded as a vision when the Westmark games came out and I am planning to continue to delve deeper into the narrative within that world.

MY Fire


I have been creating art in all forms!

To have a peek at what I do, please check out my portfolio.